



[Digestive Mastery Class] The online video training revolutionizing how your body responds to the foods you love to eat but hate to digest. Knowledge is Power, learn what’s causing all the problems in your gut.

[Digestive Mastery Class] The online video training revolutionizing how your body responds to the foods you love to eat but hate to digest. Knowledge is Power, learn what’s causing all the problems in your gut.

Why is it that the older we get, the worse our gut and digestion become?

What causes poor digestion?

Why are more people than ever being labeled with digestive diseases?

Why don’t medical studies agree on causes, treatments and prevention of digestive issues?

Why can’t you just eat a meal and feel normal?

Not sure where to start?

Don't worry, we know this is new and can be overwhelming.

We're here for you, take this informative digestive assessment and schedule a call with Sonia, our Rachel's Tea Program expert. She will personally help you find the best route for you to take. The assessment takes about 5 minutes.

One Health research team believes they’ve found a way to eat that allows you to keep eating the foods you love, and still feel great after meals. They aren’t doctors, but they’ve been in business for over a decade and worked with over 120 thousand happy clients thus far that were dealing with digestive ailments.

Here’s how it works:

Your body has 2 ways to digest food…

1. Stomach acid… the method we always focus on.

2. Digestive enzymes… The more effective yet less discussed method.

Acid VS Enzyme digestion:

Enzyme digestion should always be the preferred way to digest the food you eat. Why? Enzyme packets are secreted by the pancreas as your body recognizes what foods you’re eating. This form of digestion is gentle and the most helpful in extracting vital nutrients from the foods you consume.

Enzyme Digestion (according to Rachels Tea research) has one big limitation… different types of foods require particular enzymes to effectively digest each of them. Mixing foods in a given meal (having them in your stomach at the same time) renders the necessary enzymes ineffective.

When digestive enzymes can’t do their job, your body produces additional stomach acid to break down the food. That stomach acid dissolves not just the food, but over time may also damage the protective mucosal lining of your digestive tract and colon. To compare acid to enzyme digestion, picture your kitchen counter. Enzymes are like wiping the counter with a sterilized cloth. Acid digestion is like cleaning the counter with a fire hose. It may clean the counter, but it makes a mess of the rest of the house.

From a young age, you’re taught to eat a balanced diet. Rightly so, don’t misunderstand… Your body needs a variety of nutrients to be healthy. You can still eat nearly everything you’re used to. The mistake this team believes is eating all the foods your body “needs” each time you sit down to a meal. This multi-course meal style becomes the "fire hose".

The theory is that stomach acid slowly tears apart your digestive system when you’re giving it an acid bath with every meal. Changing how you eat to promote enzymes digestion with each meal limits the amount of excess stomach acid your body produces that may be the source of digestive trouble.

Over one hundred and twenty thousand clients are now following the Rachel’s Tea Pain Free Foods Diet.

The good news?

You can eat virtually everything you love. There are only a few foods that cause acid production on their own, other than that, the trick is not mixing the wrong foods within a 3-4 hour period.




Yes and no… your body is unique, your diet is unique, your digestive system and particular case is unique, but our research indicates that symptoms and issues ranging from bloating and indigestion or some acid reflux all the way to Diverticulitis and colitis are caused by long term stomach acid exposure from diet and in some cases, stress.

While our bodies do have a protective mucosal lining to prevent stomach acid from reaching the delicate tissues of the throat, stomach, intestinal walls and colon… over time with ongoing acid exposure, that mucus barrier starts to break down. It’s not designed to handle 3 daily meals of acid and food bulk moving through it for a lifetime.

Here’s where symptoms can vary from person to person… Where exactly you start to experience symptoms first is unique to you. For you, it may be in your colon and be labeled colitis. For me, it might be a pocket in my intestinal wall and I receive a diverticulitis tag. For someone else, they may have some damage to the esophageal valve at the top of their stomach, causing stiffness and inability to open and close easily, leading to bloating and acid reflux.

Each of these, we believe is caused by the over production of stomach acid, yet receives a different label because of the location of the symptoms.

Why They Recommend Having a

Digestive Mastery Course

Susan B

The Mastery Class really clarified the food ratios for me. I’d always struggled with ideas on food and timing my meals or getting more creative in the kitchen. Things are so much easier to stick to now that I have all these new ideas!

Mark F

I have a hard time reading a book and retaining the information and putting it into practice. I do so much better with videos and practical application so I love the Mastery Course. I just login if I forget something or have trouble and watch the section I need to get myself back on track.

Angela A

I didn’t realize I wasn’t getting the most out of my supplements until I watched the mastery class. It really clarified timing and methods of using everything. I was taking too much peppermint, not enough tea etc, and now Im feeling way better.

This [Digestive Mastery Course] is designed to teach you how to eat the foods you love without causing stomach trouble. Here’s what you get:

  • Digital book on Rachel’s Tea Digestive Secrets for your gut
  • 400 Pain Free Foods friendly digital recipe book
  • 8 part video training course using audio and visual ques to help information retention and make the knowledge of foods and how they affect you second nature.
  • Rockstar customer support.
  • Information on how to use supplements to help your progress.
  • Lifetime access to all digital and video material.
  • Instructions on a timeline ranging from flare to healthy maintenance.
  • Digital book on Rachel’s Tea Digestive Secrets for your gut
  • 400 Pain Free Foods friendly digital recipe book
  • 8 part video training course using audio and visual ques to help information retention and make the knowledge of foods and how they affect you second nature.
  • Rockstar customer support.
  • Information on how to use supplements to help your progress.
  • Lifetime access to all digital and video material.
  • Instructions on a timeline ranging from flare to healthy maintenance.

For the first decade in business, Rachel’s tea offered digital books only, however the release of the hard copy books and the condensed video training course has clients raving about their confidence level, knowledge base and results.

*Disclaimer: The overall health and even genetics of the dieter can affect their outcome. Your experience may certainly vary from those who have written these testimonials.

*Disclaimer: The overall health and even genetics of the dieter can affect their outcome. Your experience may certainly vary from those who have written these testimonials.


Rachel's Tea is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease. If you are seeing a doctor or taking medications, continue to do so and consult with your physician before starting any new eating or nutrition program or changing your medication regimen. We do believe in this program and stand behind our guarantee 100%, but we are never going to be aware of all the conditions or complications that may exist in an individual patient. Doctors or nurses do not supervise Rachel's Tea. None of the statements on this website or within the program have been evaluated by the FDA or any other agency of any government of any country. The theories herein represent the beliefs of the author, Mike Hohlweg

Contact us

Pain Free Food

217 Main Street, Crane,

MO 65633

Telephone: +1-417-712-3329

Email: Help@rachelstea.com

Contact us

Pain Free Food

217 Main Street, Crane,

MO 65633

Telephone: +1-417-712-3329

Email: Help@rachelstea.com